
Jesus Rode Dinosaurs: PDX2.0

well here we are, folks. another person's contribution to the yippity-yap of the blog-o-sphere. on the one year anniversary of my time out here in portland, OR (a year that will henceforth be known as PDX2.0) i decided to add a better way to inform whoever-the-hell-cares-to-know about what's going on out here in the northwest...


what's going on in my head out here in the northwest. and let the record state: that "correction" was difficult for me to write because i do not intend this blog to be a soapbox for me to rant about my views, opinions, and no-one-f***ing-cares waxing poetics on life. i can't say that it won't happen, but it's not the intent. the intent of this blog is to entertain (myself, then you) but also chronicle all that is kick-ass in the world. hence the title of the blog and the very first posted cornerstone image. i also pledge to 1) stay away from capital letters unless absolutely necessary and 2) shower daily. see, everybody wins. KISSES!!

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